Friday, October 24, 2008

Thank God, it's human!

Here goes my entry into nerdom and obnoxious preggodom all in one.

See, I've never been big on blogging the day to day frivolities of my life. And, I didn't want to become one of those moms-to-be that shoves sonograms of indecipherable blobs in front of other people's faces insisting, "Isn't it ADORABLE!"

But, it turns out that there are a lot of soon to be grandmas, great grandmas, and potential future babysitters who actually want to see those black and white blobs. So, here are my adventures in procreating.

I'm currently 18 weeks along and no longer fitting into my jeans. I'm pregnant enough that friends are rubbing my belly and strangers are giving me that, "Well, she's either pregnant or oddly fat," look. Ryan says I'm glowing, which I assume means, "Your new rack is awesome!" and people in general keep telling me that I look great. My current theory is that people feel the need to tell pregnant women how wonderful they look, because they fear you will have a hormone induced rage-out if they don't. Luckily, aside from some overwhelmingly vibrant dreams and my new and improved chest, I haven't felt the full wrath of the hormones yet. Consequently, neither has Ryan.

But, please, keep the compliments coming.

I'm in full belly flutter mode and am pretty sure I can feel little Slagathor/Edna Lou dancing around. Of course, it may just be last night's bean dip wreaking havoc, but I prefer to think it's the miracle of life instead of the miracle of digestion.

Alright, here's the moment you all have been waiting for: the first pictures of lil' Slaggy/E.L.

Here we are at 16 weeks, or t-minus 24 weeks and counting. The top picture is baby on its back with its hands and feet in the air, waving 'em like it just don't care. The head is the blob on the right. Lord knows what the blob on the left is.

Next up, we've got proof that we're having...a HUMAN! Though we'd always assumed we were having a human, up until this point, we've been looking at a sea monkey. Not that we wouldn't love our little sea monkey and force you guys to tell us how cute it is, it's just that, given the option, we'd prefer a baby without flippers. The blob by the head is not over-sized ears (as my mom so politely tried to ask), but a wee little baby hand raising the roof.

Lastly, we have, a blob. Slaggy/E.L. was in the process of flipping around when this picture was taken. We can only hope it has inherited Ryan's dancing skills instead of mine.

Now, let's take a trip into the Way Back machine for a moment. Here is our little sea-monkey at about 8 weeks. Isn't it ADORABLE?!?

And, finally, this is my belly at 8 weeks when I'd just barely begun to show. I'm mainly posting this as proof to myself down the road that I didn't always have a wiggling yoga ball attached to my abdomen.

I'm currently taking bets on what my cat tattoo will look like post-pregnancy.

The options are:

a) The same (now please don't rage out on me preggo-lady).
b) HAHAHAHAHAH! You're so screwed!
c) Like Jerry Louis, but fatter.

Take your pick!
(and tune in next week to find out the sex of the baby!)


schuzamptons said...

My choice on the're so screwed. Can't choose Jerry Lewis b/c that's the most frightening option in the world!
And you're such a damn cute pregnant person!!!!!

Hannah said...'s still incredible to me that you're having a baby! This kid is gone to be one amazing athlete! Dude - you'll get your 6-pack stomach back, like Virginia did, but sorry, I think your going to lose the chest. Don't tell Ryan!

Anonymous said...

i hate to be one to say I told you so, but when you got that cat"I told you it would grow when you got pregnant" but I hope not as big as Jerry.

Anonymous said...

i am anonymous

ninabomber said...

Ewwwwww! alien pictures!!!! Are you sure its human? You are adorable!!!! Can't wait to rub the Buddha belly.
I think the Kitty will take a big yawn and then settle back long as you douse it with preggo cream/oil forty times a day!

Kristin's Mom said...

If you really love your new chest and lose it (which you will), I'll buy you a pair next XMAS.

HW said...

I'm gonna need before & after pics of the chestal area so I can see for myself. I don't just believe what I read on the internet. kthx