Monday, June 29, 2009

The Great Toy Experiment

Doggie Rattle: Baby toy or tiny terror? You decide!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Eau de Blaaaaarf

The baby just puked between the couch cushions. Again.

No wonder our house permanently smells like baby cheese.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Slaggy X LIVE! (Pre-recorded)

Dun, dun, duuuuuun!

Here is Slaggy's worldwide premier in a little movie I call Infant Airplane: Playing Baby Roulette. In this particular instance, I did not lose at Baby Roulette (read: I did not end up with a mouthload of baby cheese).

But, we all know it's just a matter of time.

And yes, I do sound like an idiot in the video. My theory is that babies don't smile at your goofy noises, they smile at the ease in which they can turn you into a cooing doofus.


Yesterday, I made a day trip without the boy while baby daddy watched little Slaggy. Since I wasn't going to be SM3's primary food source for several hours, and because I was required to be semi-coherent after a sleep deprived night, I indulged in an obscene amount of caffeine.

Apparently, I severely under-estimated the amount of time required for my body to fully process this caffeine and I inadvertently fed the baby a late night knocker latte which resulted in a) a nearly sleepless night and 2) I'm so tired I forget.
